
Autumn invitation to Osolnik

Don't let the foggy morning stop us, because the sun's rays can't wait to break through the veils of the morning fog and revive nature in a new autumn guise.

The path must lead us to Šentvid. After Motel Medno, we will turn left at the first intersection and then right towards the settlement It's crawling. We will follow the signs for People of Gorica and Sora, when he will appear before us Goričane Manor. The Baroque mansion was built between 1631 and 1634 by the Bishop of Ljubljana Otto, Count of Buchheim. A hundred years later, the manor underwent a series of renovations, "curved" by Bishop Ernest Amadeus Count Attems. In the years 1830 and 1831, Bishop Anton Alojzij Wolf had the side wings of the manor demolished and the middle tract lowered by one above the ceiling. Currently, the mansion is still being renovated. Arrangement of protocol and utilitarian rooms on the ground floor, arrangement of living spaces on the first floor and six apartments in the attic, and landscaping of the northern and southern segments of the park are planned. In the hope that we will soon be able to see the manor from the inside, let's continue our journey until a little before the village of Sora we reach the Jezeršek House of Culinary, which is known for its catering for various events, and they also host and organize various celebrations , weddings, seminars, press conferences. It is necessary to make an appointment for the reception, but if you have special wishes, you can make an appointment and coordinate your wishes with their wide range.

Multiple paths, two destinations
Turn left at the intersection Poplar or Saint Catherine. After a few kilometers we will see many parked cars on the left side of the road, and on the right a marking indicating the way to A salt shaker. Here we park our vehicle and set out on the macadam forest path. We have several climbing options to choose from, and since the day is still long, we choose a slightly longer but beautiful route that first leads to Beef (730) and then continues to Osolnik (837). At the sign for Govejk, turn left and follow a narrower forest path. It takes us higher, where we can observe the different color contrasts of the autumn cover along the way. After a good half hour's walk, we arrive at the edge of the forest, where a meadow stretches out in front of us with a beautiful view of St. Catherine and the surrounding hills. If we are lucky, we will be able to observe young roe deer grazing on the green areas in the clearing, so let's be as quiet as possible so as not to scare the forest inhabitants, and continue a little further, where the path forks to the left towards Govejek (approx. 20 min.) or right for Osolnik (approx. 1 hour).

We can decide to conquer both peaks, as they do not represent too much physical effort. Maybe this will be outweighed by the fact that Dom na Govejko is currently closed due to renovations, or is only open occasionally during weekends, but in the meantime, the Osolnik cabin invites us with its simple offer and friendly service, where you can always find something like a "dish on a spoon" and a fragrant mountain tea. It is impossible to miss the peak of Osolnik, as it is recognizable from afar with the famous church of St. Mohorje and Fortunata, which attracts many visitors at the weekend, and we sit comfortably on the grass and enjoy the unique view of the Gorenje area with Lubnik, Blegoš, Ratitovec and Julijci and the Karavank chain in the background. Let's look to the east, where on a clear day our view reaches the Kamniški Alps with the mighty Kočna and Grintovec mountains. Then we slowly head back to the valley and on the way we see if we will have any luck, because maybe a porcupine or a fox is hiding under the leaves or on the soft moss. If we don't get to know mushrooms well, we let them continue to serve nature as a fashion decoration.


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