

Central aviation meeting with the presentation of aircraft and aviation technology, as we knew it from the beginning of aviation history in Slovenia, between the two wars, during the former common state, to the most modern modern aircraft and aviation groups. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Slovenia and the CIS, the entire flight program will include 20 flight points...

Important information
Letališče Edvarda Rusijana, Letališka 10, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Osrednji letalski miting s predstavitvijo letal in letalske tehnike, kot smo jo poznali od začetka letalske zgodovine v Sloveniji, med obema vojnama, v času nekdanje skupne države do najmodernejših sodobnih letal in letalskih skupin. Ob dvajseti obletnici Slovenije in SV bo celoten letalski program obsegal 20 letalskih točk – dvajset letov za dvajset let. Osrednji magnet prireditve pa bo nastop elitne akrobatske skupine RAF Red Arrows.

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