
Avoid her: warning signs that an evil person is around you

Photo: envato

A person can seriously hurt your feelings, so it's best to stay safe for a while and not allow the person to cross your boundaries, manipulate you or harm you in any other way - these are warning signs that an evil person is with you!

Are there inherently evil people? While some philosophers believed that we humans are naturally evil, "one another's wolf", and in the event of the collapse of social agreements quickly killed each other, still other theorists believe that we are fundamentally human good ones and yes evil deeds spring from our pains, of unprocessed traumas and injustices happening in the world.

Regardless of the definition, such a person can hurt you, so sometimes it's better to walk away. How do you recognize an evil person?

Warning signs that an evil person is with you...

He enjoys the misfortune of others.

A harmful person often enjoys the misfortune of others. What is the reason for this is not even the main question - it could be envy, a lack of empathy or something else...

He often lies.

Each of us lies here and there, if nothing else, it's hard to avoid these "white lies". But it is something else if a person shamelessly systematically distorts the truth.

He shows no remorse.

A person who doesn't show remorse when you tell them or show them that they hurt you can really hurt you - being able to say sorry and mean it is the foundation of healthy and fulfilling relationships.

She is cruel.

A person who is cruel to others (to animals, to his children, friends, parents, colleagues) will most likely show his cruel side to you one day. Even in the form of physical violence.


He does not take responsibility for his actions.

None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. What kind of people we are also largely determines whether we are able to take responsibility for our actions. This is certainly not easy, because it confronts us with guilt, regret, the realization that there is also something inside us that can hurt... However, it is crucial to be able to grow as a person and connect with others.

It's racist, sexist, homophobic.

A person who is full of prejudices against others is harmful and must realize that he has no right to judge the lives of others in any way. Have them sweep your doorstep first.

He often manipulates.

There is an important difference between occasional and harmless manipulation and knowingly manipulating another to use (or convert in a way) to achieve one's goals. The latter is something that is harmful to another. No one has the right to manipulate you!

He doesn't respect your boundaries.

The other person must respect your boundaries without arguing. You don't need to explain them, justify them, let alone change them.

It humiliates you

If someone makes fun of your interests, appearance, friends, desires, fantasies, goals and tries to trivialize them and make fun of them, without a bad conscience, slam the door in their face and cut off contact.

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