
Awain: A Sinfully Expensive Car Key That Costs…


We are already used to such and other 'excesses' in the world of prestige, but every now and then we come across something new that surprises even us. Can you imagine having a luxury car beauty parked in your yard, and a key of the same value in your pocket? Now that too is possible!

Awain is a company that specializes in making car keys sprinkled with diamonds, which are intended the most prestigious brands. Their most expensive creation hears the name Phantom, which has a staggering price- 500 thousand euros! You read that right and no, it's not a typo. The key costs money more like many a luxury car beauty. For an astronomical price, you will get a key that is covered with a bunch of small diamonds of a total weight 34.5-carat. The rest is made of 175 grams 18 carat of gold. The central part of the key is left to the future owners, because they can they choose honey more colors wood or leather. The company will do just that one an instance of the Phantom Key, thus guaranteeing that it will remain unique.

If you would prefer something less 'exclusive', you can consider one of the 'cheaper' keys. Key Serenity it will cost you 80 thousand euros, and they spent money on its production 175 grams 18 carat gold and 1250 diamonds, in total weight 20 Qataris. It's a bit cheaper Quantum, which will cost you 'only' 49 thousand. It represents a combination 354 diamonds with weight 3.6 carats and 175 grams of 18 carat gold. Both mentioned keys will be available in 20 copies.


Awain makes custom keys for stamps Bugatti, Bentley, Aston Mastin, Maserati, Lamborghini, McLaren, Maybach, Rolls-Royce, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz. Only this is a bit unusual, since most of these brands already offer systems to access and start the car, without using a key. This means that the owners will only rarely get a chance to pull a sinfully expensive 500 thousand car key out of a pocket or purse.

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