
Awkward silence on a first date? These are the 7 questions you can use to break her

Photo: Envato

Many people don't look forward to first dates, especially if it's a date with someone we've liked for a long time. We worry that our crush won't like us, that we'll say something inappropriate, or worse - find ourselves in a moment of uncomfortable silence. Well, that won't happen if you follow the list of 7 questions we have prepared especially for your first dates.

1. Tell me about your job. How come you decided on her?

Work is a big part of our everyday life, so it is not unusual for you to talk about it on the first date. Such a conversation will allow you to get to know each other better, because in addition to your current job, you can also talk about your ambitions and dreams. Also, many people like to discuss their work experiences, so it is very likely that there will be no silence between you for a long time. If you and the person met at the same workplace, even better. You can ask her how she chose such a job, what she likes the most there, who she gets along with the most...

2. What do you like to do in your free time?

Free time also fills our everyday life, so don't be afraid to ask a potential boyfriend about it. In this way, you will also get to know him better, because hobbies usually reveal our dreams, personality and way of life. In addition, it is important for a relationship that the way you spend your free time is at least somewhat similar. I would not like to find myself in a relationship with someone who wants to fill every free moment with sporting adventures, while you prefer to hang out with your friends in cafes and vice versa.

It's important that your hobbies match Photo: Samson Katt / Pexels

3. What makes you happy?

Similar to asking a person about their hobbies, this question will reveal a lot about their personality. You will find out whether you are sitting in front of a family man, someone who values friends and parties the most, or a person who is completely dedicated to his career. Based on the answer, you may also roughly judge whether you see yourself in a relationship with such a person - it is important that they have similar values and views on the world.

4. Describe your personality with an ice cream flavor.

A sure sign that the date is on the right track is that you both laugh together. You can take care of this with a fun, unconventional question, which can also become an introduction to a conversation that will touch on deeper topics. Anyway, you will definitely get rid of the uncomfortable silence.

Laughter is a sign that the date is on the right track Photo: Samson Katt / Pexels

5. What is your most memorable childhood memory?

Many people fondly remember their childhood and its carefreeness, and such a question can open the door to an interesting story about fun events from growing up. You can then share yours and the conversation will begin to flow as if you have known each other for a long time.

Show sincere interest in the conversation Photo: Lina Kivaka / Pexels

6. What is your favorite movie or series?

With this question, you can't just kick the bucket - most of us like to spend time wrapped in a blanket with our eyes glued to the screen where our favorite series or movie is playing. Also, most people like to talk about their favorites - show genuine interest here. Even if in the end you realize that they are not for each other, you can at least take away an idea for a good movie from the date.

7. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Traveling is something that most people like to go on and make the most wonderful memories this way. Admittedly, the pandemic has curtailed our vacation options, but we can nevertheless dream or plan the routes we will take in the future. Besides, it's always interesting to find out which parts of the world fascinate someone the most and why. Here you can also ask the person which trip was most memorable to them and where they usually go. This way you will also get a sense of whether he prefers active or leisurely holidays and whether he prefers to discover capitals, beaches or mountains.

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