
Bad! A Swiss cinema has turned its seats into beds

Swiss cinema Pathé

The Swiss cinema Pathé has found a new way to relax while watching a movie in the cinema - if you buy a VIP ticket, you will get a soft and comfortable bed... and other sweets.

Have you ever dreamed of having a cinema in your bedroom? Then your wishes have come true, well, at least partially. Swiss cinema Pathé it has a "VIP bedroom" hall with beds for two. It's like that in her 11 beds with an adjustable headboard, gray and beige sheets and two pillows (all of which are changed before each new movie). It's even on the side coffee table, where you can put down drinks or food.

By purchasing a VIP ticket, which costs 49 Swiss francs (approx 44 euros) namely food and free drink. You will also not need to stand in line to pick them up. The cinema even offers a real home experience slippers, but if this is not "fancy" enough for you, you can have more for dessert waffles and pancakes.

This is one more reason why you should visit Switzerland as soon as possible!

Gallery: Swiss Cinema Pathé

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