
The Dad of Baghdad (puppet show for children from 4 years old, 45 minutes)

The play takes us to the distant past, to the Middle East among sultans, caliphs and evil viziers. Prince Ahmed and his assistant, the captor Abu, meet in prison. When they come out of it, their journey takes them on land, sea and air, where they experience incredible adventures. In the end, good wins and Prince Ahmed marries...

Important information
Veliki oder, LGL, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,5 €

Predstava nas popelje v daljno preteklost, na bližnji vzhod med sultane, kalife in hudobne vezirje. Princ Ahmed in njegov pomočnik tatič Abu se spoznata v ječi. Ko prideta iz nje, ju pot vodi po kopnem, po morju in po zraku, kjer doživljata neverjetne dogodivščine.
Na koncu zmaga dobro in princ Ahmed se poroči s princeso. V predstavi ne manjka čudes kot so krilati konj, duh iz steklenice, vsevidno oko, čudežni lok in leteča preproga. Pred nami je napeta in domišljijsko bogata lutkovna pravljica, ob kateri zadržujemo dih
in držimo pesti za svoje junake.

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