
Bajaboard2 – the electric skateboard of the future

Bajaboard2 is a modern electric-powered skateboard that allows you to ride on different, even difficult-to-transport terrains, which is ensured by four electric drives and a 4D drive.

Second generation Bajaboard electric skateboards brings many improvements over the original and is part of the Kickstarter project. The differences are noticeable in the design, but it also boasts better driving characteristics. A skateboard reaches speeds of up to 55 km/h, and the advanced suspension system makes driving more comfortable and easier to use.

The skateboard reaches a speed of up to 55 km/h.
The skateboard reaches a speed of up to 55 km/h.

Powered by Bajaboard2 four engines, mounted directly on the wheels, which they can handle 12 kW (which is similar to the power of a 150 kilowatt scooter). The driver regulates the power of the engines via a wireless remote control, and with the help of the electronic differential, he can even choose between two- and four-wheel drive.

See more photos of the electric skateboard in the gallery

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