

Pekarna Bienale is based on the Peka Škuc project from 2009. The premises of the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana once housed the famous Zalaznik bakery and pastry shop, which was closed a few years after the Second World War. During the exhibition, Matej Vogrinčič set up a real bakery in the Škuc Gallery, which...

Important information
MGLC, Pod turnom 3, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Pekarna Bienale is based on the Peka Škuc project from 2009. The premises of the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana once housed the famous Zalaznik bakery and pastry shop, which was closed a few years after the Second World War. During the exhibition, Matej Vogrinčič set up a real bakery in the Škuc Gallery, which offered free bakery products and coffee to visitors every day. As in the Škuc Gallery, the author also collaborates with the Nutrition School from the Biotechnical Education Center Ljubljana. Students and professors prepare fresh pastries with the artist on weekends in the gallery, and especially for the biennale they have developed a biennial cookie, a confection that, in their opinion, belongs to an eminent artistic event.

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