
Bakugan tournaments

From now on, Bakugan warriors will be able to test their warrior skills at Bakugan tournaments in the month of April. From the end of March and in April, we will be able to visit seven large master tournaments, which will be held in major Slovenian cities, or we will try our luck in small...

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various locations in Slovenia, /, /
Facebook event
Entrance fee

From now on, Bakugan warriors will be able to test their warrior skills at Bakugan tournaments in the month of April.


From the end of March and in April, we will be able to visit seven large master tournaments, which will be held in major Slovenian cities, or we will try our luck at small tournaments, which will be held in some smaller towns. And what is the Bakugan game? This is a game for two to four players of various ages. Each player has a team of at least three Bakugan and an equal number of entry metal cards and cards ability. The object of the game is to collect three used entry cards. Of course, all the best Bakugan warriors will be suitably rewarded for their warrior skills. You can register for the Bakugan master tournament on the website www.bakugan.si, where the results of battles, tournaments and pictures from individual events will also be published. The number of registrations for the tournament is numerically limited in each city, only exceptionally will it be possible to register at the tournament venue itself, namely in the event that there are still some free places. Finally, let's not forget that the long-awaited second series of Bakugan warriors with an even larger selection of Bakugans is coming to the toy shelves in Slovenia in the spring.



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