
Balenciaga's running shoes in the Ikea version or which version is crazier

A month ago, the fashion world was shocked by the move of the luxury brand Balenciaga, which introduced its own version of the Ikea shopping bag (the blue one, known to all) to the market. In itself, of course, this would not be anything shocking if the price of the Balenciaga bag was not more than 2,000 euros. Yes, 2,000 euros.

But the fashion world was not disgusted, on the contrary, it became even more active, inspired, one might say. V studio Hagel came up with an answer to this move by the Spanish designer. And what did they do? Balenciaga running shoe they made from Ikea's shopping bags (the familiar blue ones).

 Balenciaga IKEA bag
Balenciaga IKEA bag

Well, this is a case where provocation, competition and maybe just a crazy idea collide and the result can be extremely entertaining.

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