
Recipe: Banana protein pancakes for the perfect start to the day

If you occasionally want to reward yourself with a healthy and delicious breakfast that only takes 10 to 15 minutes to prepare, treat yourself to these high-protein American banana pancakes.

Unlike regular pancakes, which are full of carbohydrates and low in protein, these pancakes are a real protein bomb, and the carbohydrates are only found in the banana. Since they contain no flour, their texture is a little different from classic American pancakes, but they are still tasty and crunchy.

Recipe for making 8 pancakes:


  • 2 scoops of vanilla-flavored proteins (can also be unflavored)
  • 1 large ripe banana
  • 2 large eggs
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • a pinch of baking powder
  • salt


  • Carefully separate the white from the yolk. Whip the egg whites to form snow, using the lowest setting of the mixer at the beginning and gradually increasing it. This way you will add more air to the egg whites and therefore more snow will form.
  • In another bowl, mix the egg yolks and the rest of the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture. Then gradually add snow to the mixture and mix everything slowly by hand so that the mass does not lose volume.
  • Heat the pan over low heat and slowly pour in 4 tablespoons of pancake batter. cook for 60 to 90 seconds on each side. Serve the pancakes immediately. You can eat them on their own or add fruit and Greek yogurt.


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