
Bar Magda – a new bar on the Ljubljana market

Bar Magda

All those who like to have coffee and sit around the market will welcome the new acquisition of the Ljubljana market. The Magda bar recently opened on the corner of the covered market, which through minimalism reflects the authenticity and freshness of the fruit and vegetables that are sold just a stone's throw away. In addition to a dose of caffeine (they say you'll get the best espresso in town, made from special beans that can also be purchased), you can also treat yourself to something stronger.

Basic information
Bar Magda
Pogačarjev trg 1
1000 Ljubljana
From Monday to Saturday: from 07:00 to 01:00
Sunday: from 18:00 to 01:00

Bar Magda is located on Pogačarjev trg in Ljubljana, on the corner of the covered market. They are laid out on the floor of the bar brown tiles, which will impress everyone Yugonostalgics, and gourmets who can quench their thirst will also come to the account with German and Belgian beers and they sip the intoxicant espresso.

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Bar Magda offers, among other things, fresh oysters.
Bar Magda offers, among other things, fresh oysters.

Guests of the Magda bar can choose from a wide range of spirits (from Japanese whiskey to Macedonian rakia), and in combination with sparkling wine (or without) you can also treat yourself to a dozen fresh oysters, and you can also choose from other selected ones seafood delicacies from Spain and meats and cheeses ("harvested" from the Iberian pastures to the hills of Briška - lardo, Iberian black pig pata negra bacon, Jamar cow cheese, Parma prosciutto, smoked duck breast, soft salami, gorgonzola dop, Martin stinky...).

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