
Barisieur 2.0: an alarm clock that makes us coffee or tea and wirelessly charges the device.

Barisieur 2.0

Many of us cannot imagine a morning without coffee. And the smell of a cup of black gold is often the motivation that gets us out of bed and on our feet. But to make everything a few times easier, here is the Barisieur 2.0, an alarm clock that makes us coffee or tea and wirelessly charges the device.

Besides that it is Barisieur 2.0 British company Joy Resolve looks great, it also has some interesting technological features including innovative water dosing, which distributes this evenly over the coffee beans or tea leaves, an induction coil which heats the water to perfection, extremely precise boiling or cooking temperature and, of course, bowl, strainer and stopper, which help create a more pleasant result.

Each version is aesthetically perfected, thanks to its use walnut or light wood, retro digital display and a system that wakes us up and makes coffee or tea at the same time, even before we get out of bed. Barisieur 2.0 is currently fundraising on Kickstarter, you can get it for around 300 euros.

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