
Batman's helmet

Batman's helmet

In our mobile section, we have already presented quite a few products that would be worthy of Batman himself. Since the Prince of Darkness is a very special character, the products he uses are also special. A helmet in his style will definitely come in handy for driving a speedboat, motorbike or something else.

Batman's the helmet was conceived by the company Helmet Dawg, this is a company that has been producing protective motorcycle helmets for quite some time. A helmet HD100 is actually from the series GMax GM48S Platinum, who were given pointed ears and painted black, the dark knight's trademark.


The ears are not just a plastic accessory because they are made of the same material as the outer layer of the helmet. Several layers of black paint have been applied to the helmet, which has been finished with a clear varnish to keep it shiny black for many years to come. The helmet can be ordered online for a fee 325 US dollars.


IMAGE GALLERY: Batman's helmet

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