
Batman was stopped by the police even though he had not committed a crime

Batman was stopped by the police, despite the fact that he had not committed a crime.

Batman is real! If you don't believe me, watch the video of him driving his Batmobile through the streets of America and being pulled over by the police even though he hasn't committed any crime. Apparently, even the heroes can get sidetracked by the police.

Some people they have too much time, they are incredibly in love with movie characters, they make unrealized dreams come true or is that simple their way of life. Just when we think we've seen it all, he appears - Batman, whose costume and car are so identical to the movie Batman, that it would definitely win for innovation at the San Diego Comin-Con.

The real Batman!
The real Batman!

Batman was driving around American roads, when the policewoman stopped him on the way, but not because because it would break the law or something else.

Batman didn't break the law.
Batman didn't break the law.

It's for Bored Panda Stephen Lawrence, arguably Batman's biggest fan, said he did Got the Batmobile six years ago. But before he hit the road, he did practiced his driving, as the management of such a vehicle is very demanding. Last week it did drove along the highway, which was well-paved, quiet and scenic, but disrupted his ride motorcyclist, who drove in a predictable pattern because he wanted to take a photo of his car. This is a very common phenomenon, because with its image it attracts people's attention. While driving, the police also appeared on the road with an active siren, who stopped next to him at a red light. He got out of his car and asked policewoman, is everything OK. She confirmed that everything was fine, she just didn't want to miss the opportunity to take a photo with him.

Batman and the policewoman.
Batman and the policewoman.

This crazy meeting you can see in the video, which was recorded by a driver from his car, and it became viral.

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