
Caution: drinking cold water can endanger your health

Why can drinking cold water be dangerous?

Photo: envato

Drinking cold water is refreshing for many, especially during the hot summer months. However, more and more research is emerging that points to the potential dangers of this habit. So why can cold water be harmful to your body, and what is the best water temperature to drink? We've researched expert opinion and traditional practice around the world to find out why you might want to consider swapping cold drinks for a warmer alternative.

In Asia, especially China and India, cold drinks have been avoided for thousands of years. Instead, they drink warm water, which is said to improve digestion and general well-being. Unlike Western countries such as the US, where adding ice to drinks is a common practice, Asians believe that cold water causes too much stress on the body.

Drinking cold water can affect our body in several ways

Effect on digestion

One of the main concerns is the effect on the digestive system. Cold water can cause narrowing of blood vessels, which can slow digestion and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine recommends drinking warm or room temperature water for better digestion and overall health.

Cold water can actually slow down the digestion of food. During the meal cold water solidifies fats from food, which can make digestion difficult. Instead of the body effectively absorbing nutrients, it has to use additional energy to heat the water to body temperature​​. This can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and slower digestion​​.

Photo: envato

Effect on heart rate

Another problem with cold water is its ability to affect heart rate. Cold water can stimulate the vagus nerve, causing slowing of the heart rate​​. This can be problematic for individuals with existing heart problems.

Effect on the respiratory system

Drinking cold water can also cause it accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which increases the risk of respiratory infections. In traditional medicine, it is believed that cold water weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to diseases.

Photo: envato

The best temperature for drinking water

Experts recommend that we drink water at room temperature or slightly warm. Such a water temperature is supposed to be kinder to our digestive system and the body as a whole. Warm water helps with easier digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

Although cold water can be refreshing, it is important to understand the potential negative effects on our health. Traditional practices and modern research show that drinking warm or room temperature water brings more benefits to the body. Consider adjusting your habits and take care of your body's health with the right water temperature.

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