
Be careful when ordering fake cosmetics online - they may contain rat droppings and human urine

Rubbing and rubbing rat droppings on your face is definitely not a good idea for us. But if we have replaced quality cosmetics with cheap cosmetics, we may be doing just that. London police are warning against buying "illegal" cosmetics, which are said to be made from human urine, rat excrement, cyanide, arsenic, mercury and lead, among other things.

The news comes as part of a legal effort "Wake up - don't fake up!" to end the saga of profiteers who sell more than 120 million euros worth of fake cosmetic products a year in Great Britain alone.
According to laboratory research, counterfeit perfumes may contain ingredients such as human urine and cyanide. Products that are applied directly to the face contain traces arsenic, mercury and lead, and the press release lists, among other things, as an ingredient of cheap and fake cosmetics rat droppings.

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London police are warning against cheap fake cosmetics that can easily be bought online by mistake.
London police are warning against cheap fake cosmetics that can easily be bought online by mistake.

The police warn that it is very easy to mistakenly buy fake girls online, as we are unable to really inspect the products. Therefore, on the website rather double check for grammatical errors, as this can be a hint that the website is not what it should be. Before we buy the product, let's look at other websites and let's compare prices. If the price is comparable, then we are probably safe from potentially toxic and counterfeit cosmetic products. They can cause allergic reactions, swelling, rashes and burns. Even hair straightening devices are not safe, as fake devices often overheat and burn both the hair and the person who uses it.

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