
Watch what you do: this kind of behavior can get you into serious trouble abroad

10 'indisputable' things that can get you into serious trouble in a foreign country.

Some things you do every day may be prohibited in other countries. That's why it's important to study the rules and culture of the country you're going to. You probably don't want to end up in prison abroad? Learn what's smart to avoid.

Cultural diversity is one of the main characteristics of planet Earth. But this also has its negatives sides - if you go to a foreign country, it is clear that there will be different cultural patterns, which people often don't even inquire about before going on a journey to unknown places.
Before you face any problems, you better have a look, what you should avoid during by traveling to foreign country.

Such behavior can get you into serious trouble abroad:

Chewing gums

Chewing gum
Chewing gum

The streets of Singapore are considered clean, thanks to many laws - the local authorities have created heavy fines for spitting, smoking and littering in public areas. Even the sale of chewing gum is allegedly in the country prohibited – if you try to import them, you can be fined. In pharmacies, you can only find certain chewing gums that are taken for medicinal purposes.

Inappropriate clothing

In many Muslim countries, you must dress modestly as a woman to avoid attracting unwanted attention. The clothes should cover the arms and legs, but the underwear should not be visible. V Iran and Saudi Arabia, women must cover their arms and legs completely and wear headscarves. In Saudi Arabia, you can end up in jail if you don't follow these rules (even as a foreigner).

Cutting a cactus

Cutting a cactus
Cutting a cactus

Some native plants in Arizona and the United States are protected by state law. If you damage them, it's considered theft, and you could allegedly end up in jail for a few years. Since the theft of cacti is quite common, the authorities have created laws to protect this special plant from extinction.


Running in groups is assumed prohibited in the East African country of Burundi - on the grounds that people are using this activity as an excuse to organize subversive activities. You can run alone, but two people make up a group. This can land you in jail.

Living together before marriage

Living together before marriage
Living together before marriage

The United Arab Emirates has a law that prevents people from lived together before marriage. If you do, you could end up in jail. Without a marriage certificate, you should not even stay in a hotel room with your partner.

Celebrating Valentine's Day

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have banned the celebration of Valentine's Day because it is not Muslim tradition, and this holiday also focuses on love that is not directed toward God. Cards, advertisements and Internet memes are also prohibited and their use is said to be punishable by a prison sentence.

Public display of love

Public display of love
Public display of love

Kissing in public can get you in trouble if you're in Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Pakistan or Oman. In these places, public display of love is considered socially unacceptable an act punishable by fines and imprisonment. You should also avoid showing love in India, Indonesia and Thailand.

Eating in public

During Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed eat and drink during the day. In the United Arab Emirates, a person who eats or drinks in public and encourages public eating and drinking can be fined or go to jail, even if he is not of the Muslim faith.

Drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol

Alcohol is against the principles of Islam, so you should check their laws before going to any Muslim country. In Saudi Arabia, drinking is supposed to be perfectly fine prohibited, which is why strict baggage checks have been introduced at the airport, as no one is allowed to bring alcohol into the country. If you are caught with alcohol, you will face jail time.

There are also strict restrictions on alcohol consumption in Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Libya, Bangladesh, Sudan, Yemen, the Maldives and some parts of India.

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