
Be the one who loves too much... because love is rare!

"You love because you love. We don't need any other reason for this." - Paulo Coelho

In these times, true, sincere, pure love is rare. Are you afraid to love? Are you afraid of love? Your emotions? Why don't you trust her anymore and prefer not to love enough? You don't love enough, you don't give enough. You are afraid to show your vulnerability.

You act like you don't care about the other person. You don't reply to messages, you never write that one, the one you meant, the one that would turn your crush into love. You don't give them enough time. You are afraid of love.

There is so much love and time in the world that is just for you. You just have to let yourself love each other. Why do you keep all the feelings, emotions, to yourself, inside you? You pretend you don't care. You lock your hearts. What are you so afraid of?

Are you worried that if you love too much, you will be rejected? Have you convinced yourself that opening your soul to another person is no longer appropriate for this time? Are you worried that there is no love left in you? Why? Instead of trusting a person, do you push them away as soon as they show their vulnerability and flaws? What are you so afraid of?

What are you so afraid of?
What are you so afraid of?

Instead of taking a risk, you ignore the messages. You decline the call. You don't call. But inside you want the exact opposite. Find the courage and passion within you and tell them - here I am, this is who I am. Accept me.

Be the one who loves too much, who cares about the other person. What is life without emotions, without feelings? Why not love with all your heart, with every part of your body, why not dare, just surrender and just love?

The world is becoming emotionless, falling apart at its core, forgetting love. Don't let yourself fall too. The endless pit of grossness is not the place for you. The easiest thing to do is to collapse into a cold, emotionless blanket and sink into its darkness. It's safe there. There is no pain. But there is no life there either. There is no love.

Be the one who loves, even if you get weird looks. Love hard even if they don't respond to your messages. Love even when you are sure that they have already pushed you out of their life. Love, sincerely, with all your being, soul.

Just love, because many people don't know how to love anymore. Love is something rare. Love him/her as you know and only you know how. Just love.

Send them those messages. Too often. Call them. Too many times. Because when you love, what matters most is what you feel inside. How much love you have for them, in your soul.

Don't let others destroy your love. If they don't give it back to you, forgive them. Nevermind. You gave them your love. This is something so rare. Priceless. Don't withhold your love out of fear and regret or anger that you didn't receive it in return. Even if they don't return it, you loved them - in the name of love.

The love you share will change the world. You may not see it with this person, but in time, someone, somewhere, will come into your life who will be overjoyed at how much you love them and will love you back. That little spark of hope that sometimes love is enough is the reason we exist - to love.

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