
Be with the one who supports you as you are!

Be with the one who cries and laughs with you!

Life isn't perfect. Sometimes it will be hard and painful. You will face deception, doubts, pain, loss. There will come moments when you will doubt everything, yourself, life, love, EVERYTHING. You will fall to the bottom. Then you will need someone by your side who will put a smile on your face, who will be with you when the sun shines and when the hurricanes rage. Someone who will remind you every day that life is wonderful, simply because you are alive and HE is by your side. Someone who will make you laugh in the most difficult moments, when you would just collapse in pain and cry.

... looks at life from the bright side and sees positive things in everything and everyone. He makes jokes about himself and teases you in a mischievous way.
...will turn your fear into confidence and your anxiety into acceptance.
… that you can never get mad at.
...brings a sense of humor into the argument, so that even during the argument they forget why they are arguing in the first place.
…he doesn't care if he acts stupid, weird, if he's going to stand up for you.
... with which you can laugh without inhibitions, with strange sounds and with tears in your eyes.
... listens to you. Sometimes you need nothing more than someone who will just listen to you, without words, without a strange look, because all you need at that moment is your palm in his.
... supports you even when he doesn't agree with you and doesn't like your decisions.
… he NEVER ignores you and respects you for who you are, for who you are.
... he doesn't want to turn you into his illusion of an ideal partner.

Be with someone who NEVER ignores you and respects you for yourself.
Be with someone who NEVER ignores you and respects you for yourself.

... you are perfect for him - in your imperfection, with all your flaws and mistakes.
... you feel safe with him.
… will never use your weaknesses against you.
... with him, actions speak, not empty words.
... will do everything possible, even stupid things, to be with you.
… you don't have to fight for his attention or listen to excuses.
... you are his PRIORITY, he will always find TIME for you in his busy schedule.
… doesn't take you for granted; with him you feel like you are the best thing that happened in his life.

Be with someone who wants to be with you, because with them actions speak, not empty words.
Be with someone who wants to be with you, because with them actions speak, not empty words.

... brings out the best in you in every situation.
... you will break your taboos, get to know places and things you have never heard of, because you believe that together you can move the impossible.
... he will tell you not only what you want to hear, but also the painful truth - you will grow personally with it.
... it makes you feel like you can achieve anything, especially since you know you won't be judged if you fail.
... helps you understand how special you are. With such a person you become confident and the best version of yourself.

Be with someone who makes you a better person because they bring out the best in every situation.
Be with someone who makes you a better person because they bring out the best in every situation.

If you have the kind of person next to you who wants what YOU want and accepts you the way you are, with all your flaws, NEVER LET THEM OUT of your life.

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From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.