
Be with the person with whom you feel safe!

Photo: envato

Never stay with a person who makes you feel uneasy, that feeling when you know something is not right. It seems to you that everything is perfect, but deep down, you know - it's not that. Trust your feelings and if they tell you that you feel safe, comfortable with a person, be with them.

So, stick with the person you feel comfortable with in a room full of people you don't know. With someone who is completely relaxed and vulnerable with you.

Be with someone to whom you can show every part of your vulnerability. Someone you trust to look at your naked body and confide your deepest secrets to.

With the one who doesn't make you wonder if you're making a mistake or not, if you open your heart and soul to him.

Be with someone whose touch drives the fear out of your body. His touch has a calming effect on you.


To those who remind you, everything will be fine as long as he is by your side. He knows how to calm you down when you're feeling anxious or stressed. Someone who won't let you push him away.

Be with someone you trust and you know he'll hold you in his arms and make sure the blanket fits you snugly. Someone who turns nightmares into the sweetest dreams.

The person who texts you to see if you're okay. To the one who really cares about you.

Someone you could count on to protect you from harm and would never intentionally cause you pain. To those who care about your smile more than their own.

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