
Ready for the beach: products you shouldn't leave at home

This year, let's go to the beach "armed" and ready. Swimwear, sandals, bags, umbrellas, pillows and towels, as well as mini fans, waterproof speakers and, of course, sunscreen! Let the ease of living begin!

You already bought everything necessary for the beach? Are you sufficiently "armed" or do you not even dream of what would be good to take with you? To make everything a little easier for you, we have prepared a set products that you should never leave at home this year. Even on the hottest beach, we can conjure up a shady shelter where we can enjoy good music and a cold drink.
We wish you an enjoyable vacation.

READ MORE: These are the most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic

View the gallery - products for the beach that we never leave at home

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