
Beautiful Slovenian women on the calendar with sports bikes

The cycling culture association Muslauf released a sexy wall calendar last month featuring attractive girls on sports bikes. The idea that came to the member of the association, Andraž Tarman, has been circulating around the association for a long time, and in November 2013, the boys and girls finally decided to record the calendar, put it together and launch it on the market.

The models were found and styled by photographer Matevž Kosterov and stylist Ina Šercelj, bikes were provided by Andraž Tarman and Marko Marovt, and Matevž is also the one who professionally captured everything in the photographic lens.

The Muslauf Cycling Cultural Association is a voluntary, non-profit and independent association that simultaneously works in the fields of cycling and culture and includes and connects members with the aim of carrying out sports and cultural activities. Their calendar can be bought in the premises of the Šiška Creative Zone, from the idea manager at the Musverks bicycle workshop and in Bikofe, from one of the girls who will decorate the walls of our workshop or room this year. The calendar can also be ordered online, via an online link http://muslauf.shopamine.si/.

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