
Beautiful, worth reading: "I'll Need You When I'm Old"

"I'll need you when I'm old as much as I need you now, but even more."

Before you is a wonderful poem by the poet Goran Tadić, which is about endless love. A love that makes your eyes water and you wish you could experience it yourself.


I'll need you when I'm old and grumbling
when I don't know where my glasses are
to tell me: “There they are on your nose, you old fool.
You and your heart would still be looking for them if it wasn't for me,
to tell you that everything is in its place."

I'll need you when I'm old
to remember you with pleasure
instead of remembering you with sadness.

I'll need you in my old age to warn you
when you say:"Well, do you remember what I was like?",
that you must not speak like that in my presence,
because you are more beautiful to me than ever before.

I need you in old age to make fun of her,
when he asks us where is our youth.
I'll need you in my old age when I can't make it,
say:"Better the brain than the heart."

I'll need you when I'm old
that you don't let us grow old.
I will need you in my old age to tell me:
"You said you couldn't love me more."

I need you in my old age to fight me
because I claim that doctors have no idea
and I don't take medication,
because you are the best medicine for my heart.

I will need you in my old age,
to kick me out of the kitchen while you're baking cookies:
"Be patient, you are worse than a child."

I'll need you when I'm old
as I need you now, but even more.

I'll need you when I'm old to ask me:
"Do you want this again?"
and I say to you: "I always care about you."

I will need you to tell me:"I'm sorry for yelling at you"
and I comfort you: "I didn't take you seriously at all."

I will need you in the old age when you call me grandpa,
And I will tell you: "Say, my little chicken."

I will need you in my old age to love you even then
when old age leaves me.

"I'll need you when I'm old as much as I need you now, but even more."
"I'll need you when I'm old,
as I need you now, but even more.”

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