
Due to the coronavirus, China records an increase in the number of divorces!

Living between four walls was clearly too much for some.

The spread of the new coronavirus these days requires us to try to stay at home as much as possible. A certain part of people still have to go to their usual jobs, but some can, for the sake of prevention and because their work allows them to do so, they do their jobs from home. In China, this kind of home quarantine has been in effect for several weeks, and its effects, in addition to the decline in infections, bring another surprising thing. In the last few weeks, they have recorded an increase in the number of divorce applications. The reason is that that the partners spend too much time together.

The main reason for the divorce was spending too much time together
The main reason for the divorce was too much time spent together.
It sounds a bit illogical, but it is known certain pairs work better, if they are not together exactly 24 hours a day. Going to work can be enough of a "break" so that at the end of the day they don't worry about every little thing. Home quarantine apparently proves to some couples that they basically can't stand each other. They counted more than 300 applications for divorce, and the reason was always the same. At certain branches they received up to 14 requests per day. However, they cannot handle more than 14 couples per day, so they have limited the number to 10.

The period of home quarantines and thus more intimate stays with our partners is also starting here. No one can completely agree on everything, so occasional squabbles over little things are to be expected. But who doesn't have them? It is important that we love each other even in these difficult times and that, despite the quarrel, we do not overlook all the good things that happened to us together. In China, they believe that the decision to divorce is taken too hastily.

Let's also remember all those beautiful moments
Let's also remember all those beautiful moments.

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