
They used to go to war because of such women: 10 qualities of a real lady

"Beauty is that feeling from within that is visible in the eyes. It is not something physical at all." - Sophia Loren

If you think that it is enough for a woman to put on the most expensive makeup and wear brand name clothes for beauty, you are very wrong.

Forget facial features and figure, this is what really makes a woman beautiful.

There is a saying that beauty comes from within for a reason, and the following 10 female traits prove it!

1. Elegance

The appearance, movements, style and behavior of a woman radiate the elegance of a person who is confident in herself and in who she is. Elegance also lies in the fact that a woman solves problems with style, respects ethical codes in accordance with noble goals. An aura of mystery surrounds her. Such a woman is confident, but also vulnerable. Elegance is a reflection of depth and wisdom.

2. Kindness

The way you treat others, how you think about them and how you address them depends on your sensitivity. Women who exude beauty are kind to everyone, even those they don't like, because they understand that you don't have to like someone to respect them.

There is a possibility that individuals interpret such kindness as weakness or vulnerability, but they realize that it is actually a reflection of strong persons. If they cannot do something nice, they would rather do nothing than harm others.

Kind people reach the furthest points in life.

3. Calmness

Calmness is a form of self-control. Life is full of challenges, and without calmness we run the risk of often getting into conflicts and destroying quality relationships with the people around us. Peaceful people understand well the old but true saying: "Less is more." The less we react, defend ourselves, explain, the more control we have over the situation. Serenity will keep us upright, with our heads held high.

Face the losses and wait it out. Tranquility is a refuge in the sea of life's changes.

Kind people reach the furthest points in life.

4. Courage

Courage is needed for love, for change, for feelings, for return, for dreaming and fulfilling goals, wishes and dreams. Courage does brave deeds. Courage is not shouting and bragging, courage is the strength of our character.

5. Self-confidence

When we learn to love ourselves, we gain self-confidence. Self-awareness, commitment to self-development gives us the feeling that we will succeed in everything we want. Thanks to self-confidence, we know with certainty that we can expect a positive sequence of events, because we know that we are responsible for our own lives.

6. Persistence

When we are with ourselves, we know who we are, what we want in life, what we want in love. And when we achieve that, only then are we completely happy. We will achieve everything in life because we know what we want.

We get something positive out of every challenge, and as we improve, we are more and more protected from negative influences. Determination keeps us on the right path, binds us to dreams and love and allows us to love ourselves. It is determination that prevents us from changing according to environment and circumstances and helps us to remain who we are.

When we learn to love ourselves, we gain self-confidence.

7. Mind

The mind is related to knowledge as well as emotions. When we are aware of why and when we feel what we feel, we can become flexible, endure challenges and changes more easily and deal with them in the right way. Intelligent people are not shy, they know there is always a choice. Emotional intelligence is the ability to always look at the whole, not just the part.

8. Modesty

A truly beautiful woman knows that the world does not revolve around her. This allows her to celebrate the successes and achievements of others. When we are completely satisfied with ourselves, we do not need to act and pretend. We like to be behind the scenes, doing our job and letting the success speak for itself. Such modesty is the basis of deep feelings and sincere wishes for everyone to be well.

Beauty is when you enjoy life as it is, without comparing it to others.

9. Honesty

Sincere people strive for what is real. They are simple, open, gentle, but also honest about who they are. They are patient. It is typical for them to always listen to their heart. People can always rely on such people. They will neither expect nor demand anything in return. They believe in truth as the basis of everything.

They do not change for the sake of others and are exactly who they are, this is their priority and the basis for a happy life.

A truly beautiful woman knows that the world does not revolve around her.

10. Love

There is no more beautiful woman than the one who is with a loved one and who loves herself. Love is a quality that is expressed through spiritual, emotional, sensitive action. A loving relationship enables success in all areas – from career to parenting. However, even in love there are disciplines and boundaries that must be respected.

Some people may have a place in your heart forever, but that doesn't guarantee them a place in your everyday life.

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