
This is what will make him leave you: 5 fatal mistakes that will make him take refuge in the arms of another

Men value above all simplicity and spontaneity in a relationship. And maybe it's because you fail to understand that not only big gestures are necessary, you make these 5 fatal mistakes, which can push him into the arms of others.

Some things men they simply refuse. It is absolutely right that you love yourself and do things that make you happy, because your partner should accept you as you are. However, you probably also realize that the relationship is based on reciprocitycompromises and renunciation for love's sake. If you are ready to make sacrifices for your loved one, then we advise you to you avoid things, that repel men.

If you want a man to stay with you, don't make these 5 fatal mistakes.
If you want a man to stay with you, don't make these 5 fatal mistakes.

5 fatal mistakes that will make him take refuge in the arms of another


Every man (and woman too) needs time for himself, so you need to give him enough space. As much as you need it. You will notice that after some time he will come back to you because he will notice that he misses you and he will appreciate the freedom that you give him again and again.


Sigmund Freud explained in his theories that men somehow want to stay with their mother forever. And a recent study also confirmed that men prefer women who resemble their mothers. However, this does not mean that you have to take on this role and treat him like a mother!

You are not his mother and don't act like one.
You are not his mother and don't act like one.


It doesn't matter what type of relationship it is, a positive attitude is extremely important. No one will associate with a negative person. Friends will not invite negative people for a drink. Men (and women) will not like negative partners. Don't be gloomy, but enjoy life, enjoy the little things and appreciate what you have.


A smart, ambitious and confident man will admire your intelligence and not be afraid of it. If you find yourself constantly conforming to your man because you want to attract him and keep him around, while losing your individuality, it's obvious that you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't appreciate your uniqueness.

Don't underestimate yourself, it repels you too.
Don't underestimate yourself, it repels you too.


In healthy relationships, it's perfectly normal for no one to go into a relationship blind, and evolutionarily humans are made to look out for “potential mating material”, but that doesn't mean you're completely available to other people. With such actions, you show that you do not respect your partner enough. If you are bored in life and have a need to dramatize it, you are not mature enough for a relationship. Stay single until you grow up.

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