
Beer Bulli - a discarded VW "hippie van" will become a traveling pub

Beer Bull

An interesting project has appeared on the Slovenian crowdfunding platform Adrifund. A team of enthusiasts wants to breathe a second life into the abandoned Bulli and turn it into a traveling Beer Bulli pub.

The idea of a traveling pub is not new, but it will be Beer Bull the first traveling pub in Slovenia. The idea comes from Brazil. The vehicle will be intended for those who would like a different party for a birthday, for a business event, a wedding... He will get it bar in the shape of a surfboard, and inside it will be filled with beer kegs, which will satisfy thirsty guests with cold beer, which will flow out from the taps on the side of the car.

READ MORE: Gorenje and Volkswagen: a retro refrigerator waiting for you to park it in your apartment!

VW T1 or the "hippie van" that they pulled from the riverbed of the river Rižana, where he was after serving his time barefoot (read without wheels and on bricks) as garden shed, left to the mercy of nature, can only become a traveling pub with your help. On the Slovenian crowdfunding platform Adrifund Beer Bulli collects funds for the restaurant in the amount of 15 thousand euros. Everyone who helps the team in reviving the cult minivan will be quenched with beer. You can see how he was saved by his miserable subsequent fates in the clip above with the title Saving Private Bulls after the movie Saving Private Ryan.

Australian role model.
Australian role model

Another short story hippie bath from 1961, with whom fate played a cruel toy with him, but now, however, better times are ahead of him, when he will be a dude again like he used to be. He was born in Wolfsburg, and its first known owner is Albin Oblak, a restaurateur and mechanic from Rižana, who used it to transport vegetables to Ljubljana in the 1970s. In the 1980s, it was acquired by a local farmer who used it for a shed in the middle of a field. Then he got it gun holes. In the 1990s, Rižana flooded the village and dragged it into the river bed, where it decayed and waited for a better tomorrow.

Gallery – Beer Bulli:

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