
You've been pouring beer wrong all your life

Are you also one of those who think that beer should be poured slowly? It is true that this prevents the formation of foam at the top of the glass, but with this method of pouring you are harming your stomach.

According to the words Max Bakker, who earned the highest possible title of beer brewer – Master Cicero, the beer should be poured so that foam forms at the top of the glass. If we don't, the beer will start release carbon dioxide only in our stomach. That's why it's necessary pour the beer as quickly as possible and thereby enable the formation of foam.

It is important to learn how to properly pour beer.
It is important to learn how to properly pour beer.

After waiting for the carbon dioxide to break down, you can indulge in the bitterness of the hops and the sweetness of the malt. Given that Belgians pour beer in the described way, there is no doubt about how beer is poured correctly.

More foam - less worry.
More foam - less worry.

The next time the bartender serves you a beer with foam, don't count it. You are the one who wants beer without foam, in this case you are wrong. So it's better to keep quiet. You can only thank him, because he takes care of your stomach by properly pouring beer. Health should always come first, so remember how to properly pour beer.

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