
Before you wrap your luggage: Does this method really improve the security of your belongings?

Photo: wallmart.com

Baggage wrapping is available practically at every airport; does it actually have any effect?

Wrapping your luggage seems like a good idea if you want to protect the contents of your suitcase or its exterior from damage. You can come across a turning station at practically every airport, and the service will cost you a few tens of euros. A large number of travelers choose to wrap their luggage, saying it is more secure. Is that true?

Your suitcase 'travels' quite a long way from the baggage counter to your plane. When you check in your luggage at the airport, it also goes through the explosives detection system. It's a 3D scanner that can identify anything that could potentially be explosive. There are particularly strict procedures at American airports, where TSA officers inspect luggage in order to find items that could harm the security of the flight.

Photo: Unsplash/Liu Revutska

The TSA examines hundreds of X-ray images, and wrapped luggage is no exception. After reviewing the image, the officer may forward the bag to the airline or mark it for physical inspection. Otherwise, on average, only 51 TP8T of luggage receives a thorough inspection, where its interior is also checked. During the physical inspection, the officers will open the suitcase in any way they can. If your bag is wrapped, the wrapping must be cut for inspection. All rooms where inspections are carried out are equipped with cameras, so the probability of theft is practically zero.

When they cut the wrap on wrapped luggage, they don't rewrap it. The wrapper will either be discarded or glued back together, but it won't be the same as it was originally. Most passengers choose to wrap their luggage on international flights, as they want to further protect their luggage. Sometimes the bags are in bad shape so they wrap them to keep them together. If one of these bags needs to be opened and can no longer safely reach its final destination, TSA will contact the airline to inform the passenger of the status of their bag and where they can claim it.

Photo: Unsplash/Caroline Selfors

Is wrapping luggage worth it?

Wrapping your luggage can provide peace of mind and prevent accidental tampering, but it doesn't necessarily make your luggage damage-proof. An added layer of plastic might prevent opportunistic theft and provide some protection from scratches and minor damage, but it won't stop a determined thief or prevent a thorough TSA inspection. Additionally, if airport authorities open your luggage for inspection, the packaging will be cut and likely discarded or improperly taped back together, reducing its effectiveness.

While wrapping your luggage can add extra protection to your suitcase, it is essential to weigh the costs against the potential benefits and understand that it will not guarantee complete security. Consider investing in a sturdy, high-quality case and using locks instead.

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