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Words that hurt: 10 sentences that can destroy your love without noticing

Why do sometimes, despite good intentions, some words cause more harm than good? Have you ever wanted to express your thoughts, but they were misunderstood? Some sentences can destroy relationships without even realizing it.

Words are a tool with which we express ourselves feelings, thoughts and desires. But sometimes, either because of a wrong choice of words or because of a moment of emotional excitement, we say sentences that can hurt the other person more than we first thought.

These words, sentences not only yes they hurt, but they can completely destroy the foundation of a relationship.

Although our intentions are often well-intentioned, we must be aware that wrongly spoken words they leave deep consequences. Psychologists have been warning for a long time that communication is key in every relationship - but it must be considerate, honest and respectful.

Therefore, it is important to avoid certain phrases that, contrary to our expectations, do not bring a solution, but instead create a feeling of abandonment, loneliness and misunderstanding in our loved ones.

Let's see, some such words or sentences.

"You're just imagining it."

This kind of sentence can completely negate the other person's feelings. When we tell someone they are "just imagining" something, we diminish the importance of their feelings and experiences, which can lead to deep pain and feelings of insignificance.

The words remain. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

"I don't know why you're making a problem out of it."

This phrase expresses a lack of interest in the other person's problems or feelings. Instead of delving into why something is important to someone, we simply dismiss it with them.

"Why do you always have to spoil a good moment?"

Expressing your feelings is not meant to ruin your day, but is an important part of a relationship. If we blame the other person for spoiling a good moment, we push them into the background and show that their feelings are not important to us.

"That's your problem, not mine."

This sentence is an expression of indifference and lack of empathy. When we don't show a willingness to help solve problems, even if they are minor, it can lead to feelings of isolation and abandonment.

"You're too sensitive."

When we tell someone they are too sensitive, we reduce their ability to express their feelings. This creates the feeling that his feelings are unimportant and too intense to deal with.

"You think your feelings are the only thing that matters?"

In a relationship, it is important to be aware of the feelings of everyone involved. When we criticize someone for showing their feelings too much, we diminish the importance of communication and the exchange of feelings.

They hurt. Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

"Why are you making an elephant fly?"

Every person experiences things that happen to them differently. This sentence ignores the other person's reality and shows disrespect for their feelings.

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

Although it may sound like an apology, this phrase is often uttered without real empathy. The person hearing these words may feel that they are not truly understood or supported.

"I was just joking, don't be so serious."

Humor is often used as a way of downplaying feelings. Although jokes can be fun, we must be careful not to ignore the other person's true feelings with humor.

"Can't you just forget about it?"

This sentence conveys a misunderstanding about the depth of emotional wounds. Sometimes it is simply not possible to "forget", especially if the words spoken were deeply painful and vulnerable.

We all need to realize that words have power. They can build bridges or tear them down. Instead of using words, phrases that can destroy relationships and cause irreparable damage, we should strive for expressions that support, understand and strengthen our mutual bonds.

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