We live in what many scientists call the Anthropocene, a period of geologic time characterized by human influence on Earth's geology and ecosystems. As the Earth's temperature rises and natural disasters occur with alarming frequency, the environment is rapidly approaching a tipping point from which we can no longer turn back. But understanding the facts about the state of our planet is just the beginning.
You will then want to explore the socio-political intersections of these facts, from the disproportionate impact of climate change on Indigenous and Black people, to the corporate profit motives and disinformation campaigns that prevent us from enacting climate-friendly policy initiatives. We have selected some of the most important texts on climate change - some old, some new, but all of which are absolutely clear about the problems facing our planet. This should be a comprehensive curriculum for anyone looking to expand their knowledge.
1. Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg's Call to Save the Planet - Jeanette Winter
Struggling to explain climate change to the little ones in your life? Aimed at children aged three to eight, this inspiring and educational picture book chronicles Greta Thunberg's environmental awakening, from how she learned about the climate crisis in class to how she took action for change. The book poses an encouraging challenge, asking its young readers what they will do to be a force for change, while celebrating children's ability to be leaders. Share it with the little ones you love to start an important conversation.
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-05 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API
2. Losing Earth: A Recent History - Nathaniel Rich
Between 1979 and 1989, Losing Earth chronicles the growth of political awareness of global warming, along with the countless mistakes made by policymakers to deal with the growing climate crisis. Instead, as Rich reveals in painstaking historical detail, policymakers sided with profit-seeking corporations, launching a massive campaign of disinformation and denial that continues to shape our political lives today. Although the theme of his book is the lost decade in the fight against the climate crisis, Rich finally ends with hope, arguing that we still have time to save our planet. Read a stunning story of human greed and human stupidity.
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-05 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API
3. Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future - Elizabeth Kolbert
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author returns with another sobering look at our Anthropocene age, this time focused not on the countless impending disasters, but on the pioneering efforts of scientists to turn back the doomsday clock. Kolbert describes the subjects of Under the White Sky as people trying to solve problems created by people trying to solve problems. He travels everywhere from the Great Lakes to the Great Barrier Reef, documenting his encounters with scientists developing cutting-edge technologies to turn carbon emissions into stone and shoot diamonds into the stratosphere. Heralded by everyone from Barack Obama to Al Gore, Kolbert's urgent, deeply researched text asks whether our ingenuity can outrun our hubris.
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4. Windfall: The Booming Business of Global Warming - McKenzie Funk
During the six years he spent reporting on this meticulously crafted book, Funk traveled the world and spoke to dozens of entrepreneurs making huge profits from climate change, from Israeli businessmen who made their fortunes on artificial snow to Dutch architects. , who planned floating cities. The climate crisis has turned out to be big business, with ungodly sums of money being exchanged between a select few while the world's masses suffer. Funk sheds light on the unscrupulous business practices of environmental tycoons determined to keep society on life support, and proves that conventional wisdom holds true: when in doubt, follow the money.
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5. Storming the Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security - Todd Miller
In this thoughtful book, Miller travels the world to document the large numbers of people who have been displaced from their communities by climate catastrophe, creating an emerging wave of climate refugees. Miller draws a strong connection between climate displacement and border militarization, drawing on intensive research and statements from military officials to shed light on Homeland Security's efforts to criminalize climate asylum seekers. The World Bank estimates that more than one billion people will become climate refugees by 2050; unless politicians change course, refugees will end up with cruel, racist and profitably controlled states.
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-05 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API
6. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming - David Wallace-Wells
This is not a book about warming – it is a book about what warming means for the way we live on this planet. Visceral and disturbing, The Uninhabited Earth turns scientific predictions into lyrical realities, with Wallace-Wells painting grim portraits of what life will be like at each stage of warming. It predicts climate change, food insecurity, geopolitical war, global plagues, and cascading natural disasters, among other grim realities. The doom predicted by Wallace-Wells is terrifying, merciless and entirely self-inflicted. Think of The Uninhabited Earth as a wake-up call from which it is impossible to look away because, as Wallace-Wells writes, “it is worse, much worse, than you think.”
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-05 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API
7. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming - Paul Hawken
In this comprehensive collection, Hawken highlights one hundred cutting-edge technologies with the power to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Written by hundreds of professional researchers, these engaging, layman-friendly essays propose systematic solutions. Implementing these solutions on a global scale will require seismic policy changes and massive investments for a better future.
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-05 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API
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