
Best Solo Female Destinations 2024: Safe and Cool Places for Female Travelers

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Solo travel for women is an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery and independence. Self-directed travel allows women to delve deeper into their interests, face new challenges and learn about new cultures at their own pace. It is important for women who choose to travel solo to plan thoroughly and prepare for safety aspects such as choosing safe destinations, learning about local customs and wearing safety gear. Additionally, it's helpful to learn about communities and networks of other female solo travelers where they can share advice and support. With the right preparation and an open mind, solo travel for women can be a liberating and unforgettable experience that broadens your horizons and boosts your confidence. These are the best destinations for solo travelers!

In some countries, solo female travelers may face a difficult challenge, harassment, or even danger. Still, don't throw the shotgun into the corn too early. These are the best destinations for solo travelers, where you will feel safe and well received even if you travel alone.

Photo: Unsplash/Guilherme Stecanella

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian Ocean, is a dream destination for solo travelers. This beautiful land offers everything from magical beaches to mystical temples and lush green hills. As a solo traveler, you will be impressed by the friendliness and hospitality of the local people. Don't forget to visit the stunning ancient city Anuradhapura, climb Adam's Peak for stunning views or relax on the pristine beaches of Mirissa.


Portugal is reputed to be one of the safest countries in the world, making it perfect for solo female travelers. In addition, Portugal is a wonderful country of rich history, culture and beautiful nature. For solo travelers, Lisbon is a great starting point. Here you can discover the beautiful streets of Alfama, admire the view from the viewpoint of São Jorge and get lost in the magical streets of Barria Alta.


Japan is a country that impresses with its unique culture, picturesque temples and exceptional security. For solo female travelers, Japan is a dream destination, as you will receive respectful and friendly treatment from guests there. Discover the beauty of the Kiyomizu-dera temple complex in Kyoto or take a walk through the magical gardens of Tokyo.


Greece, a land rich in beautiful islands, ancient ruins and stunning beaches, is also an ideal destination for solo travelers. Not only is Greece a safe country, but it is also full of life and culture. Visit stunning islands like Santorini, where you will enjoy sunsets over the Aegean Sea or relax on the beautiful beaches of the island Zakynthos.


Guatemala, the land of volcanoes, colorful markets and ancient Mayan ruins, is a destination that will enchant any solo traveler. Despite its diverse culture, Guatemala is a relatively safe country to travel to. Don't miss exploring the ancient city of Tikal, strolling the colonial streets of Antigüe or diving in the beautiful nature of Semuc Champey National Park.

New Zealand

New Zealand, a land of unspoiled nature, wild beaches and picturesque mountains, is a dream destination for solo travelers who love adventure. It is considered one of the safest countries in the world, so you will be able to explore this beautiful island without any worries. Visit the stunning fjords of Fiordland, soak in the geothermal springs in Rotorua, or climb the mountain peaks of Tongariro National Park.

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