
The best hotels in the world 2018 (TripAdvisor)

TripAdvisor has again chosen the best hotels in the world. Already the 16th Traveler's Choice Award has put a beautiful hotel in Cambodia in first place. So what are the best hotels in the world 2018?

TripAdvisor chooses every year the best hotels in the world. Winners are determined based on hundreds of thousands of opinions guests. This year they analyzed more than 8000 properties in 94 countries and in the end came up with a winner that would be hard to argue with.
With exceptional food, impeccable service and a stunning Instagram-worthy pool, it's the number one choice for the best hotel in the world  won the hotel Viroth's Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Which other hotels were included the best hotels in the world, and take a look in the gallery.

Gallery - Best Hotels in the World 2018 (TripAdvisor)

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