
Best lovers: 5 golden signs that you are GOD in bed

Do you realize how good you are?!

Photo: Envato

If you think you know how to take your better half to the seventh dimension during lovemaking and no one can match you, wait until you read what are the signs that you are good in bed. Maybe you'll change your mind...

What we could say with certainty quality sex? Of course, this is primarily a matter of the person himself (what he likes), nevertheless, experts believe that the common denominator could be written down some actions, which would explain whether you are good in bed. What signs reveal this?

5 golden signs that you are good in bed:

You are communicative and intuitive.

The essence of good sexuality is in self-confidence, with which you show what you want and make sure you get it, to the fullest sexy and selfless way. The biggest fear faced by lovers is that of a sexual partner they do not know how to invite to sexual relations and they are not capable of leading interactions. Individuals who are good in bed lead their sexual partner (physically and mentally) until, clearly, they climax.

You are communicative and intuitive.
You are communicative and intuitive.

Make sure you innovate.

The missionary position is truely evergreen, but you can hardly miss a sex toy, bed game, costume or movie. Individuals who are good in bed tend to be with an open mind, which manifests itself in exceeding the limits of sexual satisfaction. Some lovers are technically awesome, but pushing the same buttons over and over again can get boring over time. Ah, even the best lovers they can get their replacement.

Your body speaks for itself.

Every person it shows its own pleasures in a different way and climaxes tend to be the most obvious sign of pleasure. People who are good in bed know many other ways to show their sexual partner that they are in ecstasy. Their erogenous the zones literally speak! Swelling of erogenous parts of the body, redness, tremors... - all this sends signals about hidden pleasures.

How do you behave after sex?
How do you behave after sex?

Post-sexual behavior counts!

You have probably seen them in romantic movies partners extremely close in terms of sexual relationship, caressing and communicating - such a rule also applies in real life, even if many do they don't hold, because they blindly believe that only "mollusks" do such things. People who are good in bed know that bad sex is something they want to forget immediately, while good sex is usually so pleasurable that they want to prolong the magic of the moment, therefore they also like to cuddle. Don't be surprised if they want to repeat the action!

You know you're not perfect.

Knowing that not every intercourse will be a dream is important. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes and faces life's inconveniences that affect performance between the sheets. People who are good in bed, to such situations they look positively. They find a way to satisfy themselves and the other person in a different way, and they don't get upset because things didn't go smoothly.

Do you know how to improve your bed skills?
Do you know how to improve your bed skills?

How to become better in bed?

Experts from the website Psychology Today they write that you (especially men) can become much better in bed if you follow the three basics of things.

RULE 1: Provide a 30-minute foreplay.

Men and women usually complain that their sexual partners they rush into intercourse too quickly, instead of focusing on foreplay. As they write on Psychology Today, every part of the body is an erogenous zone that both sexes should explore with their partner. It is true that some individuals can get aroused much faster and 30 minutes of toying will tire them out, so adjust the time to the person you are in bed with.

The skin is said to contain two types of nerve fibers, P and C. The former react to pain, while C fibers respond to gentle, "massaging" touches by creating relaxation, sensual pleasure and erotic arousal.

Do you know which buttons to push?
Do you know which buttons to push?

RULE 2: Forget everything you've seen in erotic movies.

Adult movies, talking to parents or friends and surfing the web can provide useful information, but the most important thing is to leave it to the moment, focus on the person you are having sex with and explore the world of sexuality yourself. Psychology Today writes that in most adult films, you can only see quick sex, while in real life the sexual experience is a bit different - it should consist of at least 60 % focusing on the body and 40 % of actual sexual intercourse.

RULE 3: Language is miraculous!

Experts say that you should always take care of prolonged oral sex, which especially brings women to climax much faster. There are countless positions you can change, but they won't provide as much stimulation as the tongue or mouth would. So dedicate yourselves oral satisfaction (which should be safe) and stop worrying about measurements and appearance. There should not have been an actual sexual relationship so important as the fact that by committing to each other (in a different way) they will climax.

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