
Best of Snooker Ljubljana: world legends of snooker in Hala Tivoli

On December 22, 2016, the unforgettable Best of Snooker Ljubljana snooker competition will take place in Ljubljana. In this pool-like game, the world's snooker legends will compete in the Tivoli Hall. Spectators will be able to watch a live match between the best snooker players in the world: Mark Selby, Judd Trump, Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy. Don't miss this unique spectacle! Tickets are already on sale.

Important information
Tivoli Hall
Entrance fee
45 €

Get ready for an unforgettable experience: December 22, 2016 they will world snooker legends in the Tivoli Hall in front of the audience, compete in this tense game. Spectators will be on Best of Snooker Ljubljana witnesses a showdown between one of the of the best snooker players in the world. They will compete for victory Mark Selby, Judd Trump, Neil Roberts and Shaun Murphy.

Don't miss the exciting game
Don't miss the exciting game.

Mark Selby, a 33-year-old Englishman, has been holding in his hand for four years the title of the best snooker player in the world. In 2016, he won the trophy at the world snooker competition and became two-time world champion. Australian Neil Robertson applies to 7th best snooker player of all time, which probably earned him the title "The Melbourne Machine". In 2010, he won the title world champion, which is the first such achievement for Australia.

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Shaun Murphy will also take part in the competition
Shaun Murphy will also take part in the competition

Judd Trump or "Ace and The Pack” despite his youth (he is only 26 years old) he has already won a whole series of nice victories. Among others, he also came to the final of the world championship in SheffieldShaun Murphy won the 2005 World Snooker Championship. He lives up to his nickname ”The Magician” and ambush third place in the world ranking of the best snooker players.

You are invited to watch this great and exciting competition live. There are tickets already available, and you can buy them via these connections.

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