
Top tips on how to seduce a woman

Most men don't handle it well!

Photo: @albertolopezphoto / Twenty20

By flirting you show sexual interest in someone. Knowing what works in seduction is paramount to success. Did you know that the most important thing is communication. Here are more tips on how to seduce a woman.

Although men are often considered to be flirtatious charmers, most of them do not really know how to successfully seduce a woman.

With awkward statements such as: "I don't have a place to sleep, can I stay with you?" or "I'm missing a teddy bear, can you replace it?", you will definitely not win a woman's heart, he claims author of 'Superflirt' by Tracey Cox.

Flirting is the first step that will help you attract a woman to bed. Therefore, it's time to get better at it if you're looking for a new partner. Some men lack self-confidence, lose touch with their sexuality and stop sending signals to women that they want them.

By flirting you show sexual interest in someone. Flirting emphasizes your value, as well as the value of the woman you are seducing. It's been scientifically proven that animals flirt in their own way to attract a potential mate when they're sexually ready, and the same goes for humans, says Tracey Cox.

When flirting, the most important thing is to act naturally. If you want to seduce someone, you need to arouse and stimulate sexual tension in them, and flirting is the best way to do this. Sexual tension can be defined as "the existence of an unresolved sexual vibration in the air". If you don't achieve sexual tension, the chances of getting someone into bed are very low.

Conquer her in thousands of ways. Photo: Nihal Demirci / Unsplash

Flirting increases attraction and it lets your partner know you're attracted to them, which can help you achieve your purpose, Cox explains, adding that the key is in the challenge.

By doing this, you are actually challenging your partner. If a woman is attracted to your sexual vibe, it is very likely that she will continue to flirt with you. She adds that the most important thing in flirting is how you communicate. It is not only what you say that matters, but also the way you say it.

It is important to pay attention to your body language. You need to convey to your partner that you like him and create sexual tension in a fun way. A good way is hot-cold games.

First, make an effort to convince the woman that you like her. Shower her with compliments and attention so she thinks you're crazy about her, then cool her down a bit. For example, don't reply to her messages right away.

Such gestures will confuse her and encourage her to work harder for you if she wants to keep you. There's nothing wrong with showing disinterest a little, but it's important not to overdo it, because the other person will leave.

Women appreciate the effort. Put more effort into the woman you like, shower her with attention, because this way she is more likely to fall in love with you, concludes Tracey Cox.

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