
Better Re - recycling old batteries as a mobile charger

Better Re - a very special portable charger that uses old batteries

You probably don't feel guilty when you throw away your old or broken phone. But you should. The Better Re portable charger helps you go to sleep easier, as it re-energizes the phone's battery that is lying around in the drawer. Use it as a power source to charge your latest device. Somewhat surprisingly, most smartphone batteries that fall into our disfavor still have 80% efficiency, and with these 80% capacities, they should pretty much saturate the current battery.

Better Re is unique portable charger, which uses "retired" batteries to charge the battery of the current phone. Most people change their smartphone to 1.3 years and after such time, the batteries of these devices are still extremely vital. And as we become more and more dependent on smart devices as they become more powerful, charging batteries and the search for the source of electricity is becoming ours everyday task.

As we humans have blood under our skin, smartphones have batteries. In a little while, mothers will start asking their children, "Did you do your homework?" Did you wash your hands? Did you charge your phone?” Because they are batteries short breaths pressing matter, the market has been flooded by many chargers with lithium-ion battery inserts, for which our planet is paying a big price. Better Re is really the first green colored battery "first aid", which discards the life juice, but uses the still vital batteries as a source of energy.

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Better Re is a portable charger that breathes new life into discarded cell phone batteries.
Better Re is a portable charger that breathes new life into discarded cell phone batteries.

It works with every battery size and model smartphone.

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