
Better to love and lose than never to know what could have been between you.

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What does it mean to love? Is it a decision or a moment when everything collapses and is rebuilt at the same time?

To love. Love is one of the few things that tears us out of our daily rhythm and confronts us with questions that have no easy answers. When it happens, there is no room for plans or guarantees – it comes suddenly and changes us.

But it is precisely in this unpredictability thather true power is to blameSome say it's better to play it safe and avoid risk, but how could we understand the fullness of life if we never allow ourselves to feel to the fullest?

Love requires no explanation.

It doesn't come with instructions or promise an easy path. It's like a wind that takes you by surprise—sometimes gentle and soothing, other times wild and untamed. But every moment love reaches you is a moment you wouldn't trade for anything in the world. It's better to take a risk and lose than to close your heart to what gives life meaning.

Let yourself go. Photo: Freepik

When you fall in love, you know you're entering unknown territory.

You don't know what will happen next - whether this feeling will stay or disappear. But that risk is where the magic lies. Love is not about safety or certainty. It's about daring to feel, letting yourself be swept away, and believing, even if you don't know how it will all end.

The loss of love does not erase its meaning.

Those moments when you were part of something bigger, when you let love lift you up, are written deep within you. It doesn't matter how long it took. What matters is that you were there. That you felt. That you loved.

Pain is inevitable. But that pain means you lived – that you bravely ventured into something that shaped you. And while loss leaves a void, that void doesn't stay forever. Through it, you grow, you learn, and you discover how deep your capacity to love is.

Enjoy with him/her. Photo: Freepik

The greatest danger is not to love and lose. The greatest danger is to never decide, to take a risk. To let life pass without tasting those moments when your heart beats faster, when the world seems to stand still, and when you are so very much alive that you forget everything else.

Love doesn't ask if you're ready.

It comes, it moves you, and it teaches you that there is power in taking risks. And even when it ends, it never really goes away. It remains as a part of you, as proof that you were part of something real.

Better to love and lose than to close heart before all this. Because Those who love know what it means to truly live.

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