Brazilian photographer Vitor Schietti used pyrotechnics and long exposure photography to create biblical scenes of nature that will take your breath away. You have never seen anything like this in your life!
Vitor Schietti created a biblical series of photographs of nature, which he entitled "Impermanent Sculptures” (temporary sculptures). They were created with pyrotechnic means and long exposure, and the Brazilian resorted to the technique of drawing with light, except that he used rockets instead of light bodies. It's the final photo a collection of a dozen shots and a bit of post-production.
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Schietti long exposure photography has been studying for years, and he merged the accumulated knowledge into the mentioned series of photographs, in which the necessary use neutral density filters, known as ND filters (neutral or grayscale filters). With them, he found the perfect balance between twilight and the brightness of pyrotechnics. Fascinating!
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