
Big parade of firefighters

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Important information
Pristaniška street, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee

On Saturday, May 25, 2013, Koper will host the XVI. Congress of the Firefighters' Association of Slovenia, which will culminate with a large parade of firefighting companies. Around 4,500 heroes will flood the streets - volunteer firefighters who prove their selflessness and willingness to help every day.

This year's parade, in which 750 flags of societies from all over the country will fly in Koper, will start at Ukmarjev trg, continue along Pristaniška Street, and conclude at the Bonifika Stadium.

You are invited to watch the great march of volunteer firemen's associations at 6 p.m., which is also supported by the Dacia car brand.

More information about the parade and other activities of the volunteer firefighters can be found on the website www.gasilec.net.

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