
Bike Balls – bike light for cyclists with eggs

Bike Balls bicycle light

Those of you who regularly ride your bike in the city are all too aware of your vulnerability in the company of many indifferent drivers and drivers who pay more attention to their phones than to what is happening around them. The Bike Balls Team wanted to change that, but in a fun way. For their bike light, you also need to have some balls, because the Bike Balls light is, as the name suggests, in the shape of a scrotum. It dangles from under the seat and mimics the scene of a man's crotch in a very explicit way.

Bike Balls it is bike light, who dances under the bicycle seat and to you because of its controversial forms of the scrotum provides greater security. Sometimes they are not enough for driving around town cycling skills and mastering road and traffic regulations, sometimes we also need eggs. And why should you be ashamed to show them. Not the real ones, of course, because that can get you into trouble, and you're not breaking anything with the Bike Balls light. Someone wrote in the comments under the product that it reminded them of their neighbor's dog, while others said that they didn't think it could be fashion imitation both fashionable and useful.

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The Bike Balls cycling light was created by a group of cyclists Bike Balls Team from Toronto. Lučka is currently collecting its funds on Kickstarter (the target was already exceeded some time ago), but it has already been proven that they have the balls to buy it over 1200 people. Installation is really easy, just fasten it under the bicycle seat, where it can then be used while riding we dance happily as an "original" in boxer shorts while playing basketball. The dangling is no accident. Namely, random movement attracts attention behind you and by your side, thus ensuring that you are observed. We don't know if this is the right way to get noticed, but if it keeps you in one piece, even the raised eyebrows and snorts will ring hollow.

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