
Bike Planters: bike planters

Bike Planters - flowerpots for bikes

With spring, besides the first plants, many bicycles also peeked out. More and more people already enjoy the city commute to work, and from now on they will be able to do so even more. We present to you Bike Planters, bicycle vases in which you can plant a plant or a flower and transport it carefree on the handlebars, frame or fork of the bike.

Bike Planters they are vases made especially for the bicycle. Why should flowers only decorate gardens, offices and apartments, when you can have them flower arrangement even on a bike. Bike Planters are work Colleen Jordan, an artist and designer who creates products for a better life.

Flower arrangement on a bicycle.
Flower arrangement on a bicycle.

Real small farm ideas on raincoats etc. came to her already at college, and when the professors told her that she would not be able to implement the project within the educational system, it fueled her even more to realize her ideas. A company was born from this in 2011 Wearable Planter.

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Wearable Planter is an American design company that specializes in creating fun ways to carry things with you indoor plants and flowers. The vases are attached to the bike with a plastic clamp or elastic band. Each piece is made with 3D printer and additionally hand-finished.

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