
bio.23: Slovenia and the technical heritage of Europe

From September 27 to November 11, 2012, we will host the photography exhibition Slovenia and the Technical Heritage of Europe. Throughout its history, Slovenia has quickly followed technical progress in Europe. Some of the most advanced technologies of their time were used in Slovenia. Slovenian innovators co-created...

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Viewing the exhibition is free.

From September 27 to November 11, 2012, we will host the photography exhibition Slovenia and the Technical Heritage of Europe. Throughout its history, Slovenia has quickly followed technical progress in Europe. Some of the most advanced technologies of their time were used in Slovenia. Slovenian innovators co-created Europe's technical heritage. Facilities where small technical revolutions took place are all around us. We walk past them, use them in their original or modified function, but rarely think about the content they carry. This time we present them a little differently, through the lens of Antonio Živkovič.

The exhibition is on display at the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova as part of the accompanying program of the 23rd Design Biennale, prepared by the Museum of Architecture and Design.

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