
BioLite NanoGrid: Portable Lighting System

Today, we can no longer imagine life without electricity. But sometimes we find ourselves in a place where the electricity grid does not reach, so we have to find our way. Long gone are the days when fire was the only choice. Today, we can create our own mini-network, which supplies us with much-needed light bypassing electrical suppliers. One such is the BioLite NanoGrid portable USB system, which provides the necessary lighting while also serving as a charger for other USB devices.

The heart of the BioLite NanoGrid system is flashlight (PowerLight), which contains an aggregate with capacity 4400 milliamps (mAh) and can be charged via the interface USB. In addition to the lamp, it can also serve as a corner the light or the lamp that provides 200 lumens luminance with angle capture 360 degrees or 250 lumens when it comes to a directed stream of light.

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Trio ensures sufficient light and charging of other devices.
Trio ensures sufficient light and charging of other devices.

Two more are tied to the sides of the light source on the head mini lamps (SiteLights), each providing additional 150 lumens of brightness, and they also appear in the role charger for other devices. So ideal for all of you camping. "Let there be light!"

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