
Bizarre! Now they are 3D-printing your unborn baby

If the thought of having a baby scares you, how about Embryo 3D, a Russian company that uses a 3D printer to print your unborn baby? Bizarre or…

Embryo 3D is a Russian company that designs with the help of ultrasound 3D model of an unborn child and then prints it. You can see the process in the video below.

Ivan Gridin, the company's founder, can thank a pregnant friend for the idea. She was worried about fetal health and she simply wanted to see him. She had an ultrasound several times, but it wasn't enough. Ivan, who was already interested in 3D printing, decided to give it to her just prints the child. First they printed with plastic, but today they can do it plaster models and pour them over with precious metals.

Can you imagine holding a baby before it is born?
Can you imagine holding a baby before it is born?

Yuliana Recu, one of the women who opted for this procedure, is in favor International Business Times said: "We ordered a 3D model of the child that is in my belly. It is a strange feeling, because the child is not yet born, but you can already touch it and feel it."
There is an important reason behind this technology. Doctors can use it for deformation detection. It can also be used VR technology, which also shows a much more in-depth picture of the unborn child.

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