Some people only need a few hours of sleep to fully regenerate their body, while others don't have enough for a whole day. For these famous and successful people, sleep is a challenge. Maybe that's why they're so special?
These famous people picked one sleep routine, which stimulated their creativity. She is worth trying?
Charles Dickens
With a desire to improve his creativity, he was supposed to sleep in the north and he did directed the bed to the north. He believed that such a sleep routine increases his creativity. This is especially important because it is allegedly suffered from insomnia.
Eminem's Sleep probably not even surprising. I should cover the windows of my room with foil to make it better slept. He is also a fan white noise, which is played on the speakers or on the TV. This routine supposed to help him sleep better regardless of the time zone in which it is located.
Nikola Tesla
Two to three hours of sleep should be enough for him. Due to limited schedule should gain more from more day. Tesla followed a well-known sleep cycle Uberman, for which it is considered that a person never sleeps more than two hours a day. In the past, it was also reported that he worked once 84 hours in the lab without rest or sleep, but he is said to have said that there is nothing more exciting for him than the sight of an inventor's brainchild that journeys to success. With such emotions, a person forgets about food, sleep, friends, love. On everything.
Stephen King
According to King, you are he brushes his teeth and hands before going to bed. His pillow must be directed in a specific way – the open side of the pillow should always be "looked" towards the other side of the bed.
Leonardo da Vinci
Tesla isn't the only one to practice the Uberman sleep cycle, he is Leonardo da Vinci swore by this style. Da Vinci practiced an even more extreme version, namely, fell asleep for 20 minutes every four hours. This is the way of sleeping for this artist, inventor and scientist allowed more time to create projects.