
The dark-skinned "Son Goku" - the guy with the worst haircut in the world

Shaquille Dent, the guy with the most shaved haircut in the world

Meet Shaquille Dent, the guy with the worst haircut in the world, nicknamed "Son Goku" by a black man. Who is Son Goku? Ask your daughter or son, or any third grader, and they will tell you like a cannon that this is the protagonist of the cartoon Dragon Ball Z, a little boy with a tail and a spiky haircut. Shaquille Dent, on the other hand, is a sophomore at the Cleveland Institute of Art and the real version of himself. Minus the tail and dragon ball of course.

Shaquille Dent he's a guy with the cutest haircut in the world. Although internet fame came to him, he was not helped by the positive comments about his own spiked hair, but also the observations of his enemies, who had everything bad to say about him. Dent discovered his "gift". in high school, when he realized that his hair could keep its pointy shape, and since then he has been playing with it (also with color) regularly. He says that he never goes to a hairdresser for help and that he spends on "styling". only about two hours twice a month, to keep the hairstyle intact.

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Dent initially drew inspiration from Son Goku, and recently bleached part of his otherwise black hair, paying homage to the hero from the Japanese comic book series Yu-Gi-Oh. Well, white wasn't the only one color revitalization, which he came up with. Still, he denies cheating "cosplayer".

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