
Black – the best application for lovers of black and white photography

Black app

For most, the new Black application will be completely unnecessary, as everyone knows how to find a black and white filter. For some photographers, this is the app they've been waiting for. Like the Leica M Monochrom camera, the Black is focused on one thing only - creating superb black and white photos. The application team carefully analyzed and recreated the effects of Kodak, Fuji, Agfa and Ilford reel films.

Black it is definite the best app for black and white photography lovers. But why would we have it when we have digital filters anyway? Black takes black-and-white photos with his left hand, but he tackles shades of gray like classic reel-to-reel films did, e.g. Kodak, Fuji and Agfa, with which lens virtuosos extracted more from photographs via white, black and gray than photographs taken with the entire color spectrum.

READ MORE: 7 of the best applications to make life easier

Comparison of a photo taken with classic Kodak film and with the Black application.
Comparison of a photo taken with classic Kodak film and with the Black application.

An application that for free get in Apple's online store ensures that you will not need any additional application or digital make-up for the final black and white product.

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